September News

Sep 4, 2017

As we make our way into September, preparing for Autumn and recovering from the HECTIC months of June, July and August!! We hope you all had a lovely Summer and hopefully taking the chance to enjoy a nice hot break away.

A few projects have come to an end over the last few weeks, including;

Overbury – Deutsche Bank – A two year project which has come to an end and which we enjoyed working with you all on and look forward to working with you again on your new projects.

We would also like to thank all of the Operatives that have worked on this project including Eddie, our Supervisor for all of their hard work.

Jill and Stef attended the Deutsche Bank finishing drinks on Thursday 24th August, which was a great night enjoyed by all.

Overbury – Aldwych House – A year long project which came to an end over the Summer, which we were given brilliant Trade Assessment Scores for, thank you.

Overbury – Falcon Group – Another year long project which is coming to an end over the next few weeks. We hope everything goes well with your hand over and look forward to working with you all again.

We wish each team all the best with their upcoming projects.